He was not sure what will happen once these customers start upgrading to office 2016. He also acknowledged that they have a few thousand exchange customers. The last person I spoke to says they are being kept in the dark since takeover by Internet Solutions. According to the technical staff they have not been told what the strategy is with regard to upgrading their exchange servers. I have had two responses from Mweb in the interim but both from technical staff. I have thought of office 365 and the mail service but I don't know how much it would cost and how the setup will work for domain email. If they are honest and return my calls I would understand and remain a loyal customer like I have been since 1998. If I am their only customer then they will probably loose me before the end of this month and only because of the way they treat me. They advertise hosted email on their website yet they don't tell prospective customers that they are unable to support outlook 2016. There is thus no fixed plan or directive to the technical support staff as to what they should tell customers when they call in for support on hosted email.
I spoke to them at the beginning of October and was then told that they are not sure but they think they might upgrade it in November. I spoke to them on July 15 about this and they then said they might upgrade their exchange server in October. I am now paying for a service which I am not receiving. It is almost impossible to believe that I am their only customer on outlook 2016/365.

I would be much more understanding if Mweb talks to me and not hide away.