Videos are often published online from the Lead Developer of Overwatch, Jeff Kaplan, who explains what they are adding to the game and what that means for us. As the developers of this game is Blizzard, they are constantly working on how the game could be improved and listening to what the players themselves have to say.
The use of sound is super fun and helpful in game.
While in a game, if an enemy uses their ultimate ability the hero will say so in game using his/her unique voice line to alert every player that this is taking place. They all have their own voice lines, in English and their native language. Mei for example is Chinese, therefore so is her voice actor which is an amazing extra. Within the world of Overwatch sound plays a huge part in fully immersing yourself in the gameplay, each hero has their own voice actor based on the country the character originated from. Many other online players often cause havoc on teams as they aren’t picking the heroes that are potentially needed to win the game. The idea of a Competitive game mode is really fun, it can help you find how good of an Overwatch player you are, but in all honesty unless you are placed in a high tier there’s not much hope.
At the end of the season, you win a collection of competitive points dependant on what tier you’re in, which can be used to buy golden guns for any character along with other rewards. Your skill rating changes depending on how many medals you achieved in game but mainly if you won or lost. Once a new season starts you participate in 10 placement matches and are placed into a tier based on your skill within games. Be warned, if you’re playing the same character on every map, attack and defence, you’re going to get bored eventually which is why the vast selection of heroes is so important. However, the objective within matches in Quick Play or Competitive is to either push the payload as far through the map as you can or to capture an objective and hold it till the percentage equals 100%. You can choose which mode best suits you. When playing online they are three different game modes Quick Play, Arcade and Competitive. Not only are their skills diverse but their backgrounds are too, Blizzard really outdid themselves when it came to the characters, animated shorts have been released for certain characters further explaining how they came to be a member of Overwatch. Each of these characters have very different gameplay Tracer is agile and quick as she can teleport around the map and go back in time to regain health, while Mei is typically used for stealth as she can freeze enemies and kill them with a headshot afterwards. My personal favourite characters from each category would be, Tracer, Mei, Zarya and Lucio. Within the groups, each character has their own unique abilities to ultimately win the match. A crucial part of the game is the cartoon styled characters which are categorised into 4 different groups: Offence, Defence, Tank and Support. With a choice from 25 characters and a variety of gameplay to experience, Overwatch is definitely a game to try out. Blizzard’s newest game, Overwatch, has won over 100 awards including Game of the Year 2016, leading us to believe it’s a one of a kind game Blizzard’s newest game, Overwatch, has won over 100 awards including Game of the Year 2016, leading us to believe it’s a one of a kind game for a wide audience.